Friday, March 27, 2009

Mael is flying in the air!

Mael is flying in the air!
Mise en ligne par joon coming from the old world

Oui, oui, oui, je suis assez grand maintenant pour voler dans les airs grace a ma maman. Elle s'allonge par terre et me pose sur ses jambes pliees et comme ca je fais l'avion!!!!

Aussi, pour les autres nouvelles, mes parents essaient d'arreter d'utiliser la couverture d'emmaillotage en me laissant un bras dedans et un bras a l'exterieur. J'arrive a dormir mais le probleme c'est que les deux fois ou ils ont fait, je me suis reveille en criant de toutes mes forces parce que j'etais coince contre les barreaux du lit. Je ne sais pas si je me suis cogne ou pas mais en tout cas, ca m'a reveille. Depuis, je me reveille plus tot la nuit! Du coup, ils ne savent pas quoi faire et moi non plus, c'est pas de ma faute si je bouge beaucoup!

My mom makes me fly on her legs while laying down. I love to do the plane, it's fun!

For other news, my parents are trying to not use the swaddle anymore so for two nights they had me sleeping with one arm out. I move so much though, that I woke up screaming because I was stuck against the side of the crib. I don't remember if I knocked my head or not but I remember that I just did not like feeling stuck! The problem is, it woke me up way earlier that I started to get used to and now I kept this habit! So I got back in my swaddle! They don't know what to do and me neither, I just move at night, what can I say!?


Unknown said...

Oh, Maelito, you need to ask your parents to get you crib bumpers. Then you can swim around all you want, but you won't get stuck. (good job messing with their heads, though!)

Mrs. Hislop said...

Well, Lily won't sleep with her arms IN her swaddle or she gets pissy. Hmmmmm.