Thursday, October 28, 2010

Four hands

Four hands
Mise en ligne par freddy

Video of the cousins!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mael decided that pumpkins makes for very good sit. Carrying them, you are kidding, it's heavy and awkward.

MAel a decide que les citrouilles c'est tres bien pour s'asseoir mais les porter, ah, non, c'est trop lourd et bizarre.

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

A l'aeroport Puerto Vallarta

A l'aeroport Puerto Vallarta
Mise en ligne par joon coming from the old world

stories and pictures of our trip to Mexico is coming up... and other stories, si si, c'est vrai, I swear, I just took a regular French vacation break... well, and overtime overdue...

Signed: MAEL