Monday, October 26, 2009

Almost 11 months

Sorry everybody, got busy, busy...
We came back from France a month ago but I was really really sick. Ear infection, jet lag and pink eye in one week, overlapping... Got my first antibiotics and ibuprofen and high fever (103) for three or four days. It's official, my parents hate their children clinic by the way...
I dropped some weight (probably due to that) but I am a great eater so maman and papa are not worried.
I GI crawl and walk (while being held or holding on furniture). I love walking. I loooooooooooove it so much...
I don't know how to make the transitions between the 3 though, like going from standing up to sitting to laying down... and vice versa. Actually, I kind of know it (some) but I don't want to take too many risks. I already fall so much. I bled from my mouth two or three times, I stopped counting and I fell hard on my head and last time on my face so I have a huge bruise on my forehead.
My mom is going to take a picture of me and the broom (I loooooooooove the broom and carrying it around) I look like Harry Potter with the bruise/scar!
I am showing signs of understanding a lot : papa is the main thing. But I understand the French "don't put that in your mouth", eat, milk...
I understand more but they don't know. My trip to France was awesome, I met so many new awesome people. I had a blast and I tried so many new food. I am now eating fingerfood (ham, fruits, cookies, eggs) and feeding myself with the spoon (one in my mouth, one on the floor, one in my mouth, two on the floor).