Monday, January 26, 2009


Dodo, premier grand bain et sourires
Ce week end, mes parents ont ete super fiers de moi! J'ai bien dormi la nuit, tout seul dans mon berceau. Je suis arrive a me rendormir tout seul si je me reveillais, et j'ai seulement pleure quand j'avais faim et des que j'avais fini, hop, je me rendormais et maman pouvait retourner se coucher. J'etais tellement bon que quand je me suis reveille a 2:30 et puis rendormi (maman avait decide d'attendre de voir si j'allais faire ca et elle s'est endormi), papa s'est leve deux fois en une heure pour verifier que j'allais bien. Quand il a dit ca a maman, ca l'a rassure de voir qu'elle n'etait pas la seule a etre gaga parfois! Vendredi soir, j'ai eu mon premier bain. Jusqu'a maintenant, ils me l'avaient avec un gant et la tete dans ma petite bassine. Avant qu'ils me le donnent, j'ai crie et ensuite dans ma baignoire aussi. J'aime bien l'eau sur ma tete et puis apres, j'etais tout relax, moi. Ca m'a detendu. Maintenant, j'apprecie de plus en plus.

Je sais maintenant ce que vous attendez tous...les sourires.
Alors voila ca fait deux ou trois semaines que maman a observe que je commence a vouloir sourire et notamment, je souris avec mes yeux! C'est a dire que je montre que je suis content avec mes yeux mais mes levres ont un peu plus de mal a suivre. MAis ca y'est depuis le week end dernier, maman et papa peuvent officiellement dire que je souris. J'ai fait plusieurs sourires dans la meme journee a des moments ou maman et papa jouaient avecmoi. Notamment, dimanche matin dans le lit. Le week end, maman me ramene dans le lit le matin et on reste tous les trois a regarder destrucs a parler, tout ca. J'aime bien.
Dans la semaine ensuite, j'ai fait au moins un sourire par jour mais les sourires ca prend beaucoup d'energie, moi, je prefere regarder tous les trucs qu'il y a partout. Il y a tellement de choses a regarder maintenant que mes yeux me le permettent, je suis des visages qui bougent, je regarde les gens parler, les mains qui passent... Je suis tres curieux, moi. Alors pour faire tout ca, j'utilise mon cou. Je le tourne, je le souleve, je le tiens bien droit. Maman et papa disent que je suis fort! Alors les sourires, j'ai moins de temps voyez vous.

Nouvelles en vrac
Voila, il y a deux semaines, je pesais 3.700kg. Maman a deja commence un sac de vetements qui ne me vont plus. J'ai souleve mon cou de mon siege auto une fois. Je bouge mes mains de plus en plus et mes pieds, j'adore pousser avec. Je commence a gazouiller.

Papa me tiens en l'air et me fait voler. J'adore.

Sleeping, Smile and firts bath.
This past week end, my parents were super proud of me. I slept well at night. I was able to go back to sleep on my own if I was waking up. I also just cried when I was hungry and as soon as I was done, I was going back to sleep and maman could go back to bed. I was so good that when at 2:30, I woke up but went back to sleep (maman decided to wait if I was going to do so and fell asleep), papa got up twice in 1 hour to check if I was ok! When he said that to maman, she fell better because she thought sometimes she was a little too worried! Friday night, they gave me my first bath in my bath tub. Until now, I had sponge bath. Before I had it, I was screaming and then when it was done I fell really relaxed. I did not like it too much but the only thing I like is when they rinse my head, this is nice. Now I like it more and more though.

And now, I know what you are all waiting for... Smiles!
Well, here we go, it has been about two-three weeks that maman had really started to see that I was trying to smile. I was smiling with my eyes first but my lips was not quite following. Then last week, I really started to be better and better and this past week end, I was really looking at my papa and maman for a long time and play with them, following their faces or hands... (on week ends, maman brings me back to bed in the morning and we hang out together for an hour looking at stuffs) and I smiled and then several times during the day.
I do about one smile a day, a real one with all sorts of expressions on my face. but I also just like looking at stuffs. There is so much out there, it's crazy. So I have been using my neck a lot. I am just very curious.

Miscealleanous news
Two weeks ago I was 8lbs1oz. Maman has started a bag of clothes that don't fit me anymore! I lifted my neck from my car seat once! It's very hard to do as my head is heavy! Especially lifting it that way! I move my hands and feet like crazy. I push on my feet a lot. I started cooing. Papa makes me fly in the air and I looooove it!


Mrs. Hislop said...

Thank you Mael for the DVD! I am going to make my parents watch it before I am born so that they might know some tricks when I come out. Tonight they had a waterbirth class and learned a lot. Time will tell if I want to be born in water. I am not sure how I feel about it right now; I am so comfortable. I have found a new place for my feet: right under Mom's ribs. It is just so cozy there! I will talk to you soon! Love, Baby Hislop (now Mom calls me Ribsy McHislop though . . . )

La famille Fabulet-Roberts said...

Baby hislop or Ribsy! don't worry for the nicknames, My folks pretty much gave up on the stupid ones they gave me! Thank god! That was bad. They gave me others though but they are better!
Also yu are welcome for the DVD! It really helped. I advise them to watch it before and then again a couple weeks after because they might have questions afterward and they might have forgotten some stuffs! Parents tend to forget a lot! And for the ribs, I did the same! So comfy! Get what you can while in there because, I am telling you, it's super cool to meet your dad and mom and they will love you very much, but there is some level of comfort that disappear once out! Can't wait to meet you though!