Ca y est, je suis a terme: 37 semaines. Ca veut dire que maintenant je suis officiciellement autorisee par mes parents a sortir! J'y suis meme invitee regulierement. En fait, ca les arrangerait bien que je sorte le week end prevu de la date prevue! C'est a dire le week end du 12 decembre. C'est une nuit de pleine lune et mes parents esperent bien que ca va jouer ... Moi je ne sais pas. Je suis bien la. Ce soir, j'arrete pas de bouger. Je fais la fete la-dedans. Faut que j'en profite parce que je ne retournerai plus jamais la-dedans! C'est assez confortable quand meme: nourri, loge et tout ca gratuit!
Bon en tout cas, que je reste pas ou non, a partir de maintenant, je suis tout(e) pret(e). Je fais seulement un peu de gras maintenant. Maman a pris 27 pounds / a peu pres 13 kilos en tout. Elle n'a pas de problemes avec ca mais la elle commence a dire qu'elle est prete a retrouver son corps. Notamment pour dormir. Elle aime bien dormir sur le dos. Et puis elle commence a en avoir marre des insomnies et des reflux gastriques.
That's it! I am 37 weeks. I am full term. It means that now I am officially authorized by my parents to get out whenever I want. I am actually regularly invited to do so. As a matter of fact, they would really like that I get out on the 12/12 or around that week end. And as it is a full moon time, they are kind of counting on that to help decide me to get out. Personally, I don't know. I still feel pretty good. Today, or tonight, I am partying crazy in there. It feels good to move around. And I try to get as much good time as I can because I will never go back in there. It's pretty cozy: I am fed and I can sleep whenever I want as I want. And this is FREE!
Well, in any case, now I am all ready! I am just getting a little fatter everyday. Maman got 27 pounds. She feels ok about that.
But now, she is starting to say that she is ready to get her body back to herself, like for sleeping for example. She likes to sleep on her back and she is tired of insomnia and heartburn.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
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I am nowhere near as close as you are to delivering, and I am getting close to wanting my body back, too. Actually, I just want to wear my normal pants. Everything else is fine, but I really hate maternity pants.
Oh, you silly little shrimpling, pretending that your dear Maman will be getting any sleep after you make your grand debut!
You had better come out from your hiding before we come to visit at Christmas time. You will make me a grandpa for the first time and I have no idea how to act like one. Maybe you can help teach me. I got a book for you at the use book store and will give it to you when I see you. It is in English, so one of your parents will need to violate the French only rule.
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