Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A better world

Me voici a quelques semaines de mon arrivee dans ce monde et ma maman commence a avoir hate pas seulement parce qu'elle veut me connaitre mais parce que depuis quelques jours, la grossesse commence a lui peser. Il faut dire qu'elle ressent des symptomes qui ne sont pas des plus agreables et qu'elle ne dort vraiment plus bien. C'est que c'est pas facile de se retourner dans le lit ou de rester allonge trop longtemps. Moi, je continue a bouger tant bien que mal la-dedans. Dans une semaine, le docteur veut veriifier que je vais bien. Ma maman est persuadee que oui mais comme son ventre ne grossit pas trop et qu'elle ne prend pas vraiment de poids, ils veulent etre surs que ca va bien la-dedans.
Ce week end, ma maman s'est couchee tard, et le lundi et mardi sont ces jours les plus fatiguants. Mais la, aujourd'hui mercredi, elle va essayer de se reposer un peu plus. Surtout, qu'hier mes parents se sont couches tard de nouveau mais ca en valait la peine!
Ils etaient si heureux! Je vais etre un bebe generation OBAMA! Ils etaient contents parce que j'allais naitre dans un monde d'espoir et ca apparemment, ca les a rendus tellement heureux qu'ils ont pleure. J'ai hate de savoir enfin qui c'est ce gars Barack Obama qui leur a donne cette energie! Surtout que j'en entends parler tout le temps et que meme une de leurs amis est venu parler au ventre de maman, a moi en me disant que c'etait super qu'Obama soit elu!
J'ai voulu leur taper dans les mains pour dire : yeehah! mais bon, ils ont cru que c'etait mon pied ou mes fesses!
En tout cas, je suis content de naitre dans un monde comme ca! J'ai hate!

Au fait, j'ai fait mes recherches parce que hier soir, les amis de mes parents leur ont dit qu'ils devaient m'appeler Barack ou Baracka. Eh bien, ma mere s'est rappelee que Baraka en arabe, vient du sufi et veut dire : Chance, souffle divin, energie... !
Mais ils ne vont pas m'appeler comme ca... Ils ont deja fait leur choix enfin presque, leur liste est limitee dirons-nous. Je connais deja mes deuxiemes prenoms et nom de famille. Pour les prenoms, ils en ont deux au cas ou je suis une fille et deux ou trois si je suis un garcon.

Voila pour les nouvelles!

Here I am, a few weeks from coming into that world and my maman really starts to look forward for that outcome. Not only because she wants to meet me but also because the pregnancy is starting to be hard. She has been experiencing some of the not so fun symptoms of pregnancy and she is not sleeping very well. It does not seem easy to turn in bed nor to find a good position to rest a long time.
Me, I keep moving in there as much as I can. in a week, the doctor wants to do another sonogram to check on me. Maman is sure I am doing well but her belly is not getting really big and she is not getting too much weight. They are not too concern but just want to make sure.

This past week end, my parents have been going to bed pretty late but they had fun too. They hanged out with their dear friend Bryn. And Monday and Tuesday are the hardest day for her. But today is Wednesday and she is going to try to rest. Especially after last night. they went to bed pretty late again but there were no way around, they had to! They were so happy. I am going to be born in a world with more hope. Apparently, thanks to that guy B. OBAMA! They were so happy that they cried! I am looking forward to finally see that guy because I keep hearing about him and apparently he made a lot of people happy. Friends have been talking to my maman's belly Tuesday night asking for high five from me! Well, I tried but they were doing high five on places where my foot or butt were... Well, it's not easy when you don't see!
Anyway, I am pretty happy to arrive in that world!

Friends told my parents to call me Barack or Baracka. My mom remembered that Baraka actually means something in Arabic, coming from Sufi, it is used in fRench as well: Luck, divine breath, energy! That's pretty cool! But theyr are not going to name that. I have pretty much my name picked. At least my last name and middle names. Now, they have 2 or 3 first names for a boy and 2 for a girl. They will choose on the day. I can't tell you more.

Here are the news!


Unknown said...

Good to hear from you shrimp! We have been missing you and your blogging...

You really are a smart and wise little shrimp, deciding to come into this world at such a time of hope, and just in time to witness the changing of the guard in this country. Yippee for January!

Can't wait to see you!

La famille Fabulet-Roberts said...

Hey Sarah, yeah, I am so happy that our baby is coming in this world!

I am trying to get him/her a better connection for him/her to blog more often, but I have been quite out of it lately!