J'ai passe une presque une semaine entiere avec ma grandmere Kathy. C'etait cool. Maintenant ma vie est redevenue routine. Je passe beaucoup de temps avec Preston parce que sa maman me garde et ensuite maman garde Preston. Deux jours par semaine. Ce week-end normalement, je vais camper a la cabine a Crescent lake (5 heures de route) et je verrais mon parrain Bryn.
Est-ce que je vous avais dit que j'avais recu mon carnet de sante de l'ambassade? Maman etait contente, parce que comme ca, elle a vraiment l'impression que je suis un petit francais.
Ca fait quelques jours que je ne fais que deux siestes par jour.
Hier, j'ai un rappel de vaccin et je n'ai pas verse une larme. Je suis fort moi et maman etait tres impressionee et fiere! C'etait le mechant infirmier de la premiere fois mais cette fois il etait gentil en fait, comme quoi.
Je pousse sur mes bras et je recule un peu.
Je dors sur mon ventre aussi.
La nuit je me reveille qu'une seule fois a 4h30 toutes les nuits et puis je me rendors.
I have almost spent a full week with my grandma Kathy. It was great. Now, my life has gone back to the usual routine... well, what a routine. I don't spend a single day the same way thanks to my maman's work. But I am being nice. I spend a lot of time with Preston and his mom. Or with my maman and Preston. Two full days a week.
This week-end, I go on a road trip to the cabin (5 hours) and I will see my godfather Bryn.
Oh, by the way, did I tell I have received my "Carnet de sante"? This is an official health book record that every French person has. You bring to your medical visits and doctors write informations in them. It's a very important and useful document to keep track of anything that concerns your health. Maman will complete it herself as I grow up.
Maman is happy about it because it's a small detail but it is another proof that I am French.
For the last few days, I have been taking only two naps a day.
Yesterday, I got a shot and I did not even cry a bit. Maman was impressed and proud. This time, it was the mean male nurse from last time and he was actually nice this time.
I push on my arms now and I go backwards a little bit. I also move a little bit from side to side. And my butt goes up a little bit.
I sleep on my belly and I only wake up once every night at 4:30 am.