Thursday, January 15, 2009

I have a TV in my room! J'ai une tele dans ma chambre!

Nouvelles du front!

Tele, sommeil, pipi & caca

Maman essaie d'etre plus tetues que moi et ca marche a moitie! Elle decouvre certains de mes secrets et parfois ca la rend joyeuse et parfois elle est exasperee!

L'une des choses qui la rend heureuse, c'est que le soir je m'endors dans mon berceau assez facilement et ca pour plusieurs heures, ensuite je me reveille et je mange, et puis une fois dans la nuit, je ne me rendors pas tout de suite mais les autres fois oui.

Dans la journee, je ne dors pas a moins que je sois en mouvement dans la "sling" (porte bebe en tissu, je suis comme quand j'etais dans le ventre, tout recroqueville comme une crevette et puis je ne m'endors que si papa ou elle s'asseoit sur la balle de yoga et rebondissent) ou dans la poussette ou dans la voiture.

Dimanche dernier chez mon oncle et ma tante de Portland, j'ai fait pipi dans le visage a maman et ensuite, ma couche a fuit...ahah

Une des nuits, a 5 heures du mat, j'ai fait pipi et caca quand maman me changeait. Elle etait un peu enervee surtout que ma SUPER PRATIQUE couverture d'emmaillotage etait souillee. Il a fallu utiliser la vieille technique d'emmaillotage! Ensuite elle a rigole et puis papa est venu a la rescousse et les yeux a moitie fermes, il m'appelait "petit coquin" et "capitaine nasty pants".
Moi j'arretais pas de pleurer ma mere parce que forcement, ca prenait vachement longtemps a me changer! Forcement, apres ca, j'ai eu du mal a me rendormir!

Ah, et depuis deux semaines, j'ai une tele dans ma chambre. Ils la mettent sur la chaine qui gresille, vous savez, ca fait un bruit de gresillement et y a des points blancs et noirs partout qui bougent. Ils cachent l'ecran, mais moi j'aime bien le bruit! Avec un peu de chance, ils vont la laisser dans ma chambre! (Maman vient de faire non de la tete quand j'ai ecrit ca!)

Baby sitting, biberon et rencontre avec mon parrain
Ce week end, Maman et papa m'ont laisse a Grandma Kathy samedi soir pendant qu'ils sont sortis boire un coup avec des potes. Mon parrain, Bryn, etait a Portland. Il est venu me voir et j'etais tout gentil, j'ai dormi dans ses bras. Ensuite, il m'a chante des chansons mais j'ai pas trop aime la partie ou ils disaient que j'ai achete mes mains a Michaels en solde. C'etait pas trop sympa. Mais bon, en meme temps, ca fait rigoler papa et maman alors j'imagine, que c'etait pas mechant dans le fond. En tout cas, quand ils sont sortis, je suis restee tout sage. J'ai dormi de 9 heures a minuit! Maman avait laisse du lait pour moi mais j'en ai meme pas eu besoin. Mes parents etaient abasourdis de voir que j'etais reste si longtemps sans manger et que j'avais dormi 4 heures au moins! Ils ont dit que grandma avait du suivre les vieilles recettes de grandmere et m'avait mis un peu de whiskey sur les gencives pour m'aider a dormir. Mais c'est pas vrai, j'ai pas fait ca mais je grandis, moi et je n'ai plus besoin de manger aussi souvent!

Ah oui, et le jour apres ca, ils m'ont apporte a la maison de tata et tonton J a 17 heures et maman et papa sont revenus vers 20:30 apres etre alles a un rendez-vous en amoureux. Pareil, que la veille, j'ai dormi tout le temps! Haha!

A propos du biberon, voila: papa et maman ont commence a me donner un biberon le soir depuis lundi dernier. Waouh! C'est carrement different! Pas le gout, parce que c'est le lait de maman. Pas mon repas entier au debut parce qu'ils ne voulaient pas que je sois affame et frustre que je rejette l'idee du biberon. C'etait un peu bizarre au debut mais apres ok. Ca va vachement plus vite et ca en faisant presque rien! C'est bien mais en meme temps, j'ai besoin de faire des pauses souvent parce que ca va tellement vite, j'ai du mal a suivre moi! Pour l'instant, je l'ai eu 4 fois (puisque j'en ai pas pris pendant que j'etais babysitte!) et pas pour un repas entier alors on verra. Ca fait plaisir a papa de me donner a manger.

Vous voulez en savoir un peu plus a propos du rendez-vous en amoureux de papa et maman, hein? Bah, j'etais pas la, alors je ne peux pas vous dire grand chose mais tout ce que j'ai entendu c'est qu'ils sont alles au restaurant et que c'etait bien sympa d'avoir un peu de temps pour tous les deux seulement. Ils avaient tout heureux en revenant et aussi heureux de me revoir.

News from the front (I don't know if that expression works in English, I am totally proficient in both languages yet)

TV, sleeping pattern, pi & poop
Maman is trying to outstubborn me! It works ... sometimes. She is discovering some of my secrets (but I change all the time) and sometimes it makes here happy and sometimes a little bit frustrated.

One of the thing she likes, it's that I go to sleep fairly easily in my cradle at night for a few hours at a time, except once every night, where I like to hang out and then get fussy!

During the day, that's when I outstubborn her. I don't want to sleep in the cradle. I like the sling and the carseat (when going on a ride with the car or the stroller). With the sling, I like to be rocked on the yoga ball!

Last Sunday, at my aunt and uncle J, I pied in her face (yes!) and then, my poopy diaper that she had just put on leaked in her hands and all my clothes!

Also, during one of the nights, around 5 am, I pied, pooped while she was changing me. There was stuffs everywhere and especially on the special swaddled blanket that they love to use now. They had to do all fashioned swaddle. Maman was not that happy but then, she laughed and papa came and helped her. He kept saying, with his sleepy eyes half closed: "petit coquin" et " capitaine Nasty pants". Me, I kept screaming because it was taking them for ever to change me. After that of course, I had a hard time going back to sleep!

Ah and for the last two weeks, I have had a tv in my room! I listen to the static channel and they hide the white and black dots. Maybe they will leave the tv in my room for ever! (Maman is saying no with her head while reading this!)

Bottle, baby sitting and meeting my Godfather.
This past week end, maman and papa left me with Grandma Kathy Saturday night while they went out to have a drink with all their friends. Oh, yeah, I met my Godfather, Bryn, who was in town. He came to see me and I was super nice and mellow and I slept in his arms. Then he sung to me, which was cool until he said in his song that I had bought my hands at Michaels and on sale. That was not super cool but maman and papa were laughing so I guess, it's not that mean.
Anyway, they went out and I stayed home with grandma. Maman had left some milk for me but I slept from 9 to midnight and did not need any! My parents were stoked because I had been eating pretty often and not sleeping that long! They said that grandma might have put some whiskey on my gums! But it's not true, I am just growing up and I don't need to eat that often.

Oh, yeah, and the day after, they brought me to Aunt J and uncle J around 5 and maman et papa came back around 8:30 after going on a date! Same, slept the whole time. Did not wake up. Haha!
So about the bottle. Maman et papa introduced me to a bottle last Monday. Waouh! That is different. Not the taste because it's maman's milk. Thank God, I don't want any of that formula stuff for now. Papa gave it to me after I had some milk from Maman firt, so I would not be fussy and starving and rejecting the bottle. It was a little weird at first but then ok. It's just so much quicker and I barely do anything! It's cool but at the same time, I have to catch my breath more often so I don't choke!
So I have had four times the bottles but not for a full meal (because I did not eat while being baby sitted) so we will see how it goes. Papa is super happy to feed me!

You want to know about Maman and Papa's date? Well, I was not there, so I don't know much but I heard them said, they went to eat to a restaurant and also that it was nice to be just the two of them again for a little while. They seemed happy and also happy to see me again.


Mrs. Hislop said...

Hello Mael,

I read the title of your blog today, and I started getting ideas about having a TV in my room, too, but I think our mamas are in agreement about that one. Darn it.

I will have to try that poop trick on my mama pretty soon; looks like it was a funny one! Funny for us babies at least!

You are lucky you got to meet Bryn already. Sometimes I hear him singing on the CD. I wonder if him singing would help us babies to sleep better? Maybe my parents will play his CD for me when I come out and see how I like it.

I have only 7 weeks until I get to come out and play with the world. I am starting to hang out right under my mom's ribs. It's really comfy there, but it makes my mom have to sit in a weird position so she won't be uncomfortable!

Talk to you soon,

Baby Hislop

La famille Fabulet-Roberts said...

hey baby hislop! I did the rib thing too. comfy, hey? but my mom had to move her body around yo make me move...
about the tv, yeah, I know, they are already thinking about removing it !

Yeah, I listen to bryn's music too. it's cool but it does not help me to sleep yet though it relaxes mom so I guess, that's good for me too!

oh and the poop thing... I did project one today but I missed my mom! hihi!

Unknown said...

Hey, shrimpling, do you miss me? You and I know that it wasn't whiskey that made you sleep, just Granny magic! You and I made a good team, eh?


Grandma Kathy