Hello tout le monde!
Desolee d'avoir mis tout ce temps. Je suis pas mal occupe a dormir, manger, dormir, manger et faire dans mes couches!
Ca y est, je suis arrive! Vous le savez tous mais voici quelques nouvelles fraiches!
Je suis donc arrive le 8 decembre 2008 a 16h52. Je pesais 2.7 kg et mesurait 44 cm a la naissance et...............JE SUIS UN GARCON!!!! C'est incroyable non! Vous vous etes bien plantes tous a croire que j'etais une fille! ahahaha, Moi je rigolais bien!
Pour les details de l'accouchement, vous demanderez a ma maman si vous voulez mais ce que je peux vous dire c'est que je les ai bien surpris mes parents. Ils pensaient pas me voir arriver ce jour-la.
La veille, ma maman avait du mal a marcher dans le musee mais bon elle se disait que c'etait la fin de la grossesse. Elle a perdu les eaux a 4h55 (a peu pres) en revenant se coucher. les contractions ont commence tout de suite apres et 12 heures apres a une minute pres, je naissais.
Le travail etait intense mais consistant et regulier. Elle n'a pas fait de peridurale. Cependant, la sortie en elle -meme s'est averee un peu plus difficile que prevu. Et ca, je dois dire, c'est un peu de ma faute.
La raison principale : Je tenais fermement le cordon ombilical dans ma main et ma main etait contre ma joue. Alors a chaque fois que maman poussait pour me faire sortir, bah, le cordon etait compresse et du coup j'etais pas bien oxygene. Le docteur a commence a s'inquieter alors ils ont laisse maman faire son boulot mais a un moment, il a bien fallu m'aider et l'aider. Alors ils ont utilise la ventouse. Bon finalement, ils ont fait ca assez bien parce que ma tete etait pas abimee. Un peu en cone mais ca c'est normal de toute facon. En sortant, papa a ete le premier a dire (en francais): "c'est un petit garcon" et la, ils ont pleure tous les deux. pas qu'ils voulaient que je sois une fille ou un garcon mais simplement parce que ca y est, j'etais la et j'etais reel.
Comme j'avais avale pas mal de liquide amniotique, ils m'ont tapote le torse pour me faire sortir tout ca des poumons. Tout ca sous la surveillance de papa.
Maman m'allaite. Il a fallu qu'on apprenne tous les deux comment faire. Ca prend un peu de temps mais ca va mieux et j'ai deja depasse mon poids habituel. Le 17 decembre, j'etais a 2,8 kg.
Mes nuits, bah je fais comme je peux. Je suis encore un peu decalee et je m'habitue peu a peu au monde d'ici.
Papa n'arrete pas de repeter: "tit coquin" et "qu'est ce qu'il est mignon" et maman, m'appelle toute sorte de nom: "mon coeur, mon ptit amour, ma ptite bug (insecte en anglais), mon petit paresseux (l'animal tout lent qui a des grands yeux ronds)."
Bref, la vie va plutot pas mal.
A bientot!
I am born! sorry it took me sooooo long but I was busy, eating, sleeping, cuddling, looking around... So I have arrived on December 8th, 2008 at 4:52 pm. I was 5 lbs 15 oz and 17,5 inches long. OH... and I am a boy! You really made a huge mistake when you thought I was going to be a girl... ahahah, I was laughing... Cause obviously, I knew!
My parents have named me : Maël Noam Bryn Roberts.
Noam has been chosen by my godmother : Aude, maman's sister and Bryn is my godfather's name.
My parents wanted to follow the French tradition of choosing symbolic people to guide me in my life and so I have their names.
For the details concerning the delivery, you will ask my mom if you want but let's say that it was a big surprise that I came that day.
The day before, my maman went to the museum with her parents and friends and it was the first time, she felt like she needed to take regular breaks sitting down. At night, she had contractions but they were pretty much like the others she had felt during the last trimester. At around 4:55 am, she came back into bed after she went to the bathroom and her water broke there.
Real contractions started happening regularly right after. my mom had not got our bags ready so she just did that between contractions which were every 3 minutes apart lasting for 30 seconds. My dad did the dishes and they got some miso soup on the stove to get something. They called Liz our doula, then started watching a movie, then, called the hospital and at 8 am, they were in the room where I was going to be born.
Labor was regular and intense but maman made it through without peridural. She used an inflatable pool in the room to labor and then pushing time came. At that point, she was tired and me too. Te whole thing went pretty well but pushing was hard. I have to admit, that's a little bit because of me! I was holding the umbilical cord in my hand on my cheek so, eveytime, I was going down, the cord was pressed and so it was hard to push me out and my vitals were not going back up really quickly after each push because of that. The thing is, at that point, they ahd no idea! So the doctor helped me and maman to get me out by using the vaccuum. My head was shaped like a cone, but it is because of the birth anyway. That was not too bad.
When I got out, my dad told my mom in french : "It's a little boy" and they started crying. Not that they wanted me to be a girl more than a boy or vice versa, just because they were amazed, I was out, and they were meeting me for the first time. I got on my mom's belly but she was cold and I had amniotic fluid in my lungs so they took me back and helped me get rid of the liquid by tapping me on my torso and back. All under my dad's supervision.
I am breastfed. Maman and I had to learn how to do it. It's going well. On December, 17th, I already was over my birth weight : about 6 lbs.
My nights? Well, I do what I can. I am not quite adjusted yet and I know my parents need the sleep but well, I am so small... I need some time.
Papa keeps calling me " ti coquin" (little rascal but it sounds cuter in French!) or CPN "Capitaine Nasty Pants" or he says : "oh, he's so cute!". Maman calls me all sorts of names: " mon petit amour" (my little love), "ma p'tite bug" (My small bug), "mon petit paresseux" (My little sloth) because I have big eyes and my hand are moving in slow motion sometimes.
Life is rather good.
See you around.
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1 comment:
Can you change the name of the blog to "The news of Captain Nasty Pants"? Please??
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