Four hands
Mise en ligne par freddy
Video of the cousins!
stories and pictures of our trip to Mexico is coming up... and other stories, si si, c'est vrai, I swear, I just took a regular French vacation break... well, and overtime overdue...
Signed: MAEL
Doctor's appointment today
I am 21lbs8oz so almost 10kg
I measure 31inches long
I got two shots and a pokey in my finger.
Met Preston at the doctors coincidentally we had an appointment back to back
Doctor said that if I don't say as many words as a girl but does vrroum and throw a ball well, then I am a normal BOY.
I did say "ch ch" for the train the other day, knows a lot of body part but say "hay" for either eyes/yeux - ears-oreilles.
I climbed in the laundry basket today and got in trouble because I was able to reach for the garage opener and open the garage. Actually I had no idea it does that because I can't see through the window but still the garage opener has a lot of buttons that are fun to just push.
The doctor said that If I bite mom again, I should be put in my crib with just two words from my mom "no bite" and then left there for a few minutes but there are no needs for long lecture...Mom likes that, it's more her way of dealing with kids...a little bit more French.
Je fais beaucoup de betises
Je grimpe partout
Je peux me plaindre et faire des comedies
Je comprends beaucoup de choses donc mes parents ont commence a epeler des mots
J'adore utiliser l'aspirateur
J'aime faire des photos avec maman sur l'ordinateur et elle m'apprend a faire des grimaces. Mes parents sont tres forts avec les grimaces alors je pense que je vais devenir un pro tres vite.
I do a lot of "betises" or "monkey business"
I climb everywhere
I can complain and throw tiny tantrums
I understand everything and my parents have started spelling words
I love using the vaccuum now
I love making funny faces with my mom on the "photobooth" with the computer. She is teaching many good funny faces. She is good at it. My dad too, so I think I will be mastering this pretty soon.
Regardez comme j'etais mignon en Octobre avec mes cheveux courts. Maintenant j'ai la tete d'un clown avec mes cheveux tout boucles et en bazar!
Les news:
- Maman pense que j'ai des dents qui poussent
- Je peux boire tout seul en tenant le verre mais attention vers la fin, je fais n'importe quoi.
- je peux sauter (enfin presque, je plie les genoux et fait semblant.)
- je peux imiter des sons d'animaux et de moyens de transports par exemple mais pas sur commande.
- je peux monter sur l'escabeau (ou le canape, mais ca c'etait
extraordinaire et difficile, je ne vais pas le refaire tout de suite)
- je chante quand papa ou maman chante ou bryn
- je vais a la chaise si on me dit d'y aller pour manger ou j'essaie de me hisser pour montrer que je veux manger.
Look how cute I was back in October with my cute short hair! Today I look like a clown with my curly messy hair.
- Mom thinks that I have more teeth coming
- I can drink alone and hold the cup but when I am done, at the end, it can get messy
- I can saute (well almost, I bend the knees and pretend.)
- I can imitate animal sounds and transportation sounds, but not on command.
- I can climb the ladder (or the sofa, but it is extraordinary and difficult, I will not do it again soon)
- I sing when Mom or Dad sing or Bryn
- I go to my chair when they tell me to do so because it's time to eat or I try to pull myself up to show that I want to eat.
Look at my right hand. When My dad put me in this thing, I was just a little scared and was wondering what was going on. I did not move my hands fro 5 minutes straight.
Regardez ma main droite. J'etais un peu impressione quand mon papa m'a mis dans ce truc et je n'ai pas bouge mes mains pendant 5 minutes au moins.
Une famille franco-americaine